You would think that a year with a “handle” like 2020 would be one full of clarity and sharpness of vision. You would think that. I will always remember the year 2020 as the year the “lid blew.” We should have seen it coming, even without Covid-19 or a Presidential election. Somewhat like “tornado alley,” America’s political climate had been festering too long—differences in values of every sort were not only growing, but were being magnified by those anxious to promote their own personal agendas—the clashes that resulted were not pretty. Perhaps we need a little look back to see ahead.
This "doc-u-meme-ary" is an attempt to recall a year filled, not only with loss, but also a time of division, then sadness, constant conflict, hostility, ill will, anxiety, deceit, even greed and evil. Yet there was hope in the fact that people seemed to be searching for an optimistic, even hopeful view, of the things that divide us. This work is an attempt to look-back at a few, often humorous, social media “screen shots” that were a reflection of 2020’s history. A chronology of the years events is included to keep the 300+ memes fixed to the times. The closing pages are a collection of solutions for redeeming the times.
A copy of this "sure to be iconic memory" can be ordered by clicking on the link below. Let me recommend the digital PDF for economy's sake, but the print edition is available, occasionally discounted by the printer. In the meantime, you can view a few of my favorites as shown below. It was a year to forget, yet one to remember.