Life as seen Through My Lens is an unusual kind of autobiography in that it seeks to preserve thoughts and feelings rather than accomplishments. In so doing, the author gives insight into “day-to-day” life that is often missing in other biographies. What was missing in those histories was an insight into what they were thinking. What is it like to hold a little baby, or to spar with a three-year-old? What is a church leader thinking while trying to keep a small congregation of believers together? Were there challenges at work? What did one think about other people, what were their values, did they value family time, or were they a workaholic? Were they “coasters” or did they have strong values?
The author cites a noble goal of imparting valuable insight to someone younger, and then actually closes with pages of these “valuable insights.” The final chapter is a laundry list of “lessons learned,” and is well worth the read.
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